Of course, we all know that dancing is healthy for our bones, joints, and ligaments, but can it really help you lose weight?

Simply yes, but how much? Of course, this depends on how much you weigh, how long and how often you dance, what type of dance, etc.

Here is a little table to spell it out. Below is a table with these given attributes:

The person dances 10 hours per month and splits it evenly between slower and faster dance styles. The person has exactly the same diet and lifestyle as before.

Fast Dance per HR Slow Dance per HR
130lb  280 cal burned  185 cal burned
200lb  428 cal burned  285 cal burned

Considering snacks are around 150 calories and a big lunch is around 600 calories, depending on what you eat, this is a pretty significant dent in any weight loss program!

So, not only is dancing good for your joints, helps subdue the onset of Alzheimer’s, and is a socialable activity, but it can also help you lose weight too!

*Figures above are from the weight-loss calculator on Self.com. Try it yourself here: http://www.self.com/calculatorsprograms/calculators/caloriesburned/dancing/