Most New Year’s resolution can be summed up in three categories: healthier, more sociable, and learn something new. So, why doesn’t everyone just learn dance?! We want to make sure that people understand how much dance can help their lives.

Have you made any of these resolutions?:

1) Be Healthier (Lose weight/fat)

Why would you go to the gym or do some mundane task that you dislike, when you can replace that with dance! Have fun while you improve your health!

2) More Sociable (More dates/social life)

Social life is an important part of anyone’s life. It is proven that people need social interaction and relationships. Even if you have a large family and interact with people at work everyday, casual social interaction is a part of being a well-adjusted adult. There are people of all types and ages at dance class. It’s easy to make friends and find dates!

3) Learn Something New

This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Even if you already know how to dance, you will learn more steps and how to do them better!